Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

FRIDAY, JUNE JO. 1104. ma AxnrviLLE daily dthcw oooo Mark et Quotations 8TATKUKNT OF TH Wachovia Loan Trust Company At (Ha close of business. March 28th. 104.

UUUU MUKNIHU i Our Cover Leaf Block Lump and Domestic Nut Coal at reduced prices, will interest you and all our customers. Please call, or phone 40. SPECULATION COTTON MARKET NOT HEAVY faferdy's Advance was Some whit DIscouriQCd at Start Statement of Banks ot England innii nnnniinr luual rnuuuuc MARKET WW WW Corrected dally by Hiram I.lndsey. 450 South Main afreet. 'Phone $00.

Cltrl VI Market 'phone 100. Asparagus, to Joe bunch. Apples, 50 to 75c peck. Apples (dried) to 10o pound. Apricots, 11 to SOo pound.

Apple Vinegar, 0o gal. Coin, 15c busbeL Beets (new) I to 10c bunht-l. Butter (country) 20 to 25c lb. Butter (creamery) SOc ll. Beans (string) 7 1-lc qt.

Brans (IJiua) 15c qt Bananas, 20 to I5c dot. Buckwheat (country) 50c nark. Cucumbers each or I for 10c. Carrots, 6 to 10c bunch. Celery, fresh, 25o bunch.

Cream Chese, (Oc lb. Cabbage. 1-Za lb. Chickens, 25 to 40c each. Spring chickens, 20 to 30c eui h.

Ducks, 35 to 40c each. Kgga, 20c dosen. Kgg Plant. to 10c each. Kndlve.

Kc head. Flour, $5.60 to $6.50 bbl. Grape Juice, ton quart. Guineas, .25 to S5o each. Honey, 16c lb.

Hams. 15 to 17c lb. Hominy (grits) to lb. Horse Radish Root, lOo lb. Kale, too peck.

Leek. 5c bunch. Molasses (home made), 40 to SOc gal. Molasses (New Orleans) 60c gal. Nuts (mixed) 20c lb.

Oats, 65c bu. Onions (spring) Bo bunch. Onions (Spanish) ta each. Onions (Florida) 10c bunch. Oranges (California) tO to 60c doc I I i I RESOURCES.

Loans and bonds Ren! estate and buildings. Cash on band and In 81,018.80 banks. 471.682.5$ LIABILITIES, Capital stock Undivided 31.375.09 2.811,280.89 $3,443,665.98 Your business solicited. Southern Pacific Co. UNION PACIFIC R.

R. CO. First-class Round Trip tickets to San Francisco and Iais An-geles, account Knight Templar Conclave September 5-9, 1904 Id Sovereign CI rand Lodgt) I. O. O.

F. September 19-24. 1904. Tickets on sale from all South-astern points, August 15th to 27th, Inclusive, and August 28th to September 9th, Inclusive. The two shortest and best lines from New Orleans, Kansas City or Omaha, through the Pacific Const.

Ask for pa Iculars. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, Central Agent, 13 Penchtre Atlanta, Oa. R.

O. UKAN. T. P. A.

Removed. Anxiety uinLENT ADVANCE WAS EVI DENT IN STERLING RATE AT PARIS GRAIN CROP ESTIMATES ACTIVE. New York, June The light spec HUtin for an advance In prices which was In evidence yesterday was some what discouraged today and gave little how of enthusiasm. The poor mar set afforded (or taking profits yester ty afternoon served to discredit the upward movement London gave some upward impulse to prices early in the day and took stocks here until they reached the London parity when the foreigners turned sellers -again. Lou don was said to be somewhat dlsap pointed over the failure to reduce the discount rate 01 tne nana or mngiana But the statement of the bank left no room for anxiety over the financial situation In London, The $2,600,000 bullion increase being acconipanleed THE LEADING HOTELS And Bofvrdlng Houses of Asheville.

Transylvania Railroad Company. No. 2 No. 4 No. I A.

M. P. M. P. BI.

5:10 Lv Henderson vllle 12:20 6:30 Ar 11:06 8:60 Ar Lake 9:21 Connects at Lake Toxaway with Turnpike Line to the resorts of the Sapphire Country At llendersonvllle with Southern railway for all points North and South. J. F. HAY8, General Manager. T.

S. Boswall, Superintendent. Asheville offlo, 60 Patton avenue. HOTEL BERKELEY, Location Central. Equally Desirable for Tourist and Commercial Trade.

P. G. WHITE, Broker. COTTON, STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN. Telephone 769.

10 Church Asfieville, N. C. Direct Wire from New York. RATES $2 to $3 Per Day. SELECT Jut opened at No.

6, currier Starnoi close In. Large shady yard; house nlshed and renovated throughout. Large airy rooms. 100 feet of front porch, Wheel. A Lake Wisconsin Central 16 15 PM- 17 Mexk-an BXFRUHS COMPANIES.

Adams American United States 1 Weils Fargo 14 $7 225 181 103 49 16 70 26 88 6 lt 7 23 5314 98 125 71 4 2 lii IKS 10 G. 19 '156 10 67 71 21 MISCELLANEOUS. Amg. Copper 49 48 Am. Car 4k 17 17 Do.

pfd Am. Cotton Oil Do. pfd Am. Ice Do. pfd Am.

Linseed Do. pfd Am. Do. pfd 19 19 Am. Smelt.

54 Do. 98 Am. Sugar Itfg 126 52 7 126 Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn It. 47 46 Colo.

Fuel ft 29 29 Consolidated ..189 188 Corn Do. .1 Distillers' 20 19 156 General Electric 156 Inter. Paper Do. pfd Inter. Pump Do.

pfd National Lend 21 21 North Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel 27 2C 56' 4 2i'iv Do. pfd 69 69 69 221 38 15 75 34 6 81 6 16 "68 64 9 G4 154 86 Pullman Pal. Republic Steel 6 6 Do. pfd Rubber Goods Do. Tenn.

Coal ft 33 33 U. 8. Leather 7 7 Do. pfd 81 80 U. S.

6 6 IT. 8. Rubber 16 16 Do. pfd ,..68 68 Do. pfd U.

8. Steel 9 9 Do. pfd 64 63 West. Electric 154 154 Western Union 87 86 Total sales of shares for 242,900 BONDS. U.

8. refunding 2s, ..104 IT. S. refunding 2s, coupon 105 U. 8.

3s, registered 105 Do. coupon 106 IT. S. new 4s, registered 132 Do. coupon ..132 U.

S. old 4s, registered Do, .....107 AtchiBon general Do. adjustment 91 Atlantic Coast Line 4s 95 Baltimore Ohio 4s ....101 Baltimore ft Ohio ..101 Baltimore ft Ohio 3s 95 Central of Georgia 5s ,.108 Do. 1st Inc 72 Ches. k.Ohlo 104 Chicago ft Alton 7 Chicago new 4s Sf.V- Chicago ft St.

Paul gen. 4s .109 hicago N. W. consol ....127 Chicago I ft Pacific 68 Do, consol 5s 78 St. Louis gen.

4s 98 hicago Terminal 4s 73 Consolidated Tobacco Is 61 Colorado ft Southern ia. 82 Denver R. 4s 9994 Iirle prior lit 4s 99 Erie general 85V4 Ft. Worth Denver City ..104 Hocking Valley 4s Louts. Nash, unified 4s 101 Manhattan consol gold ....103 Mexican Central 4s 61 Do.

1st Inc 12 Minn. St. Louis 4s 96 984 Mo. aKs. Texas Do.

2nds 77 Nat. of Mexico consol 4s 74 N. Y. Central gen. 3V4s 100 M.

J. Central gen. 6s 131 Northern Pacific 4s 1" Do. 3 Vis 73M Norfolk Western consol 4s 99VS- Oregon Short Line 4s Partic. 95.

Pen.n conv. 3s its'; Reading General St. Louis Iron Mt. conHol St. Louis San Fran.

fg. 4s 8U4 t. Louis S. W. lsts avt Seaboard Air Line 4s ..70 Southern Pacific 4s 90 Southern Railway 5s Texas Pacific lsts 115V- Tol.

St. Louis Western 4s 70 nion Pacific 105 Do. conv. 4s 91 IT. S.

Steel 2nd 74 Wabash 116 Wabash Deb. 57 Wheel. Lake Erie 4s 9 Wisconsin Central 4s 90 Colorado Fuel 4s 69tf 4444 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET 4 Wheat-July, Do. Do. Corn July Oats-July Lard-July Lard-July High.

88 87 83 Low. Close 87 7fc 86 85 82 82 80 4S 48 47 48 43 43 39 39 30 31 12.05 12.10 12.27 12.30 6.00 6.6A 6.75 6.75, 49 48 43 39 31 ..12.25 ..12.45 6.67 6.80 7 modern conveniences. Good table a MRS. 0. H.

HENRY, BATTERY PARK HOTEL Famous Throughout the United States. Seven Oaks, MRS. H. LUHUSSEN. Excellent location, moderate rates; 103 Merrlmon avenue, Asheville, N.

C. Potatoes (sweet) 40c peck. Potatoes (new) 7c quart. Potato-Chips, 25c lb. 20 to 25c each, -t to 12o lb.

'(Ou.) 25 to 60c basket. (adlahea. 6c bunch. Kulil ltulil 5c ench. Musturd Greens 10c peck.

IMunis (H. 50u banket. WuterrneloiiM 40 to 50c each. Turnips (hew) 5c bunch. Royal Victoria Hotel 52 SOUTH MAIN STREET.

and up-to-date. Caters to the beat class of colored people. Luucs Mounter In connection. NOAH MURROUOM BUCK SHOALS Formerly the home of the late Hill Nye. Kltuiited on the French Broad river, i-i nines anove jwo 'double mulls dully; Inrge phixsus; modern plumbing; excellent cuisine.

Address, MRS. P. V. ENGLISH, Arden, N. C.

6-9 tf ARDEN PARK LODGE. Arden, N. C. "Now we go In content To liberty and not to banishment. Well, this Is the 'Forest of Arden." Shakespeare.

This populur resont now open to both permanent and transient gussts. Meals to driving parties a specialty. ELLEN VAL'OHAN LASER. Phone serY FRANK LOUGHR AN. Prop.

BOARD avenue, and North Main on car line; newly painted and papered. Newly fur- specialty. Table boarders solicited. Kormery at 70 Orange street. "I HE BLOCKER HOME Boarding House, Old Fort, N.

C. Within three minutes' walk of de pot. Convenient to business centre. Rules $1.00 per -day. Accommodations tor 15 or 20 summer boarders at $5.00 a week, 6-5 tf WYCKOFF HALL Will open June 1 under new manage ment to first class boarders.

Special accommodations for families. I airy rooms, spacious plasmas, shady lawns, convenient location. Table guests accommodated. 74 NORTH MAIN STREET. SPRINGS" health and rest.

A beautiful drive of with every convenience and comfort, driving out from Asheville. Kates uy Weaverville, N. C. managers of the several hotels. COMPANY.

and scenery grand and beautiful, baf 2,700 feet, and feet above ana S. C. SATTERTHWAITB, Prop. THE AETHELWOLD HOTEL In the Beautiful Sapphire Country, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. A new modern brick hotel.

All conveniences. Special rates by the 'week ELLIOTT HOTEL (Formerly the Porter House, Andrews. (North Carolina.) Newly furnished, with ten rooms neat by. Sample rooms free. Special atten tion paid to travellnr men.

Tour pat ronage soncirea. ana is your nora Elliott A Co, Propiletora. NEW HOTEL KENMORE, Waynesville, N. C. location.

Best Sample Rooms Best Hotel. What then? PLACE TO GO." CHAS. H. KNIGHT, Mgr. BONNIE CRE8T INN, Skyland, Quaint Interesting.

Eight miles out of Asheville. Large and attractive grounds, 1000 feet of verandas. De- Ilghtful valks ami drives. Abundance of fresh vegetables, milk, cream and leggs. Msslt served driving parties a Open all the year, I.

W. B. MOPaLY, Prep. Teas, (now) 5c quart. -Peaa (dry) tc qt.

Parsley, 5r bunch. -Potatoes (old) 40 to 60c peck. OPENED STEADY Oecline ot 5 Points Changed to Advance of 6 Dealers Wro Mostly on the Old Crop NEW CROP POSITIONS WORKED STEADILY DURING ENTIRE 8ESS10N JULY AND AUGUST NERVOUS Xew York, June 9. The coUon mar ket opened steady at a decline of 6 points to an advance of 6 points. The declines were on the old crop months which were affected by liquidation with July opening unchanged at 11.25.

welling down to 11.28. while the new crop months were firm on covering as result of firm cables and talk of too much lain In tho western bet. Later July joined In Ihe strength and be ing bid up raT'ldly be rvcent heavy sellers, the trade seemed Impressed with an Idea that some fulr sised short I merest was trying to cover and the market ruled very firm. The new- crop positions worked steadily up ward during the entire session but Ju ly and August were particularly ner vous and erratic responding promptly to comparatively amall orders either way. July sold up as high aa 11.65, just before the close, and reacted on ly a point or two frosn that figure while the later positions also closed with'n a point or so of the best with the inurket finally steady at a net ad van-3 of 19a45 points.

Sales were estimated at 350,000 bales. Aside from the rains In the western sections of the belt accompanied by reports of overflows In some sections which were said to be se rious enough to cause abandonment of some acreage In Arkansas, the weath er was generally favorable and seemed to afford little basis for alarm over crop prospects. Private advices from the south held out little immediate prospect for an improvement In spot demand an dthe southern spot markets us officially reported were generally unchanged to an advance of 1-4 cent with the local market 20 points higher on sales of 25 bales. Spot houses and Europe were said to be buying new crop months In the local market dur ing pretty much the "ntire session, ana New Orleans seemed to lead In the buying of the old cjrop months while commission houses generally seemed to be covering new crop shorts. Kecelpts at tne ports today were 1,707 bales, against 2,276 week and 790 last year.

For the week, 15,000 against 19,966 laRt week and 13,029 last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans 888 against last year and at Houston 239 against 640 last year. NEW ORLEANS FUTURES. New Orleans, June 8. Cotton fu tures, steady: June 11 60 bid; July 11 70all 71; August 11 14all 15; Sep tember 9 99; October 9 61a9 62; No vember 9 52u9 63; December 9 62a9 53; January 9 59a9 60.

NEW ORLEAN SCOTTON. New Orleans, June 8. Cotton, steady, sales ordinary 10 6-16 good Ordinary 10 11-16; low middling 11 5-16; middling 11 13-16; good mid-ding 12 1-8; middling fair 12 3-8; Re ceipts 888; stock 137,657. NEW ORLEANS SPOTS New Orleans, June 9. In the spot cotton market there was.

a good de mand at full board prices, sales 3,350. Including 550 to arrive and 1,100 f. o. b. Quotations advanced 3-16 Cent.

Futures were steady at the opening with prices one point higher to three lower than yesterday's closing. New- York was firmer and gave strength to the local market. Soon after the opening the bull leaders became heavy buy ers of July and their purchases sent that option skyward. Some little cov ering by shorts In the winter month sent those positions up, but heavy pro fit taking by those who had bought last night for an upward turn sent prices off again. The advance In the earlier hours was not steady and the result of It seemed merely to be the calling out of more short selling.

Later In the day there was another upward turn which carried prices to within a point or two of the highest levels of the session. In the trading July advanced points above the closing of yesterday at 11.72, declined to 11.64 and finally re covered to 11.70. The market closed Arm with net gains of 25 to 36 points on the old crop months, and 17 to 20 on the new. NEW YORK COTTON. New York, June 8.

iCotton quiet; middling 11.90; gross receipts 2,098: sales 25: stock 64.681; exports Great Britain 3S0: continent 350. Total today, net receipts 1.707; ex ports Oreat Britain 380; continent 350: Mexico 76; stock 257,116. Consolidated, net receipts ex-' ports Great Britain France 401; continent Mexico 1.C07. Total since September 1, net receipts export" Great Britain 2.385.- 535; France 680.453; continent 2.489.7SS. Japan 26,676.

LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, June 8. Cotton, spot In fair demand: prices 8 points lower; American middling fair 6.86; good mid dling 6.72; middling 6.62; low middling 6.4: good ordinary ordinary 6.14. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales. of whk-h 200 were for speculation and export and Included 6,000 American.

Receipts 4.000 bales. Including 2,204 Amertcan. Futures opened quiet and closed firm: American middling g. o. Jane 6.45: June-July (.31: Au gust-September geptember-Octo-ber 8.

59; OctoberNovember 6.31; No vember-December 5.27; December-Jan-j uary 6.24; January-February 5.23. I 32 PATTON AVENUE. Ashevlllc Ice and Coal Company. H. T.

COLLINS President -i-. j. P. 8awyei President, P. 8- Coxe, Vies President.

J. E. Nankin, Cashier. Battery Park Bank ASHEVILLE, N. Capital 9100400 Surplus and 46400 TRANSACTS A GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS.

Special attention given to collections. Four per cent Interest paid on time deposits. Live Business For SaJe Paying retail good. part ot which has no competition; well established and advertised; at least 000 in cash of negotiable note required. Owner going Into manufacturing buaU ness.

Address, COURT SQUARE, 1 care'CRIsen. B-ii tt SOUTHERN RAILWAY Passenger schedules of trains arriving and departing from Asheville: Train No. from Jacksonville and the south, arrives 1:50 p. m. No.

10 for Jacksonville and the outh, leaves 4:00 pm. 11 from Washington, D. C. and Ihe east, arrives 1:40 v. ta.

No. 11. for Knoxvlile and the west, leaves 1:15 p. ni. (central time.

No. 12, from KnoxvlUe and the west, arrives 2:15 p. m. (central time.) No. 12, for Washington, JJ.

and the east, leaves 3:35 p. m. No. 13, from Charleston and tho Houta, arrives 7:16 p. m.

No. 14, for Charleston and the south leaves 7:05 a. m. No. 17, for Bryson City, leaves a.

m. Dully except Sunday. No. 18, from Br.on City, arrives 6:41 p. m.

Daily except Sunday. No. 19, for Murphy and way stations, leaves 3:20 p. m. Dally except Sunday, No.

20, from Murphy and way stations, arrives 1:45 p. m. Dally exoept Sunday. No. 35, from Washington.

D. and the east, arrives 1:15 a. m. No. 85, for Memphis and the west leaves 12:20 a.

m. (central tlme.l No. 30, from Memphis the west, arrives 6:55 a. m. (central Itme.) No.

30, for Salisbury, Washington and the east, leaves 7.00 a. m. No. 115, for Bristol and the west, leaves 6:10 a. m.

(central time.) No. 116, from Bristol and the west, arrives 9:15 p. m. (central time.) Through sleeping car lines: On No. 9, from Columbia, Bavamukk, and Jacksonville.

On No. 10, for Columbia, Savannah, and Jacksonville. On No. 11, from Hew York, Philadelphia, Washington, Charlottesville and the east. On No.

it, for Nsohviiie, Cincinnati St. Louis and the west On No. 12. from Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville. 3t.

Louis and the west On No. 12. for New York. Philadelphia, Washington. Cha-lottesvllla.

On No. 65, from New York and Balls-bury. On No. 30 for Memphis and St. Louis.

All of the shove quoted on Reastern (city time) except where otherwise designated. Call on ticket agents for' time tables and detailed Information, or address: 0. H. ACKKRT. General Manager.

Washington, D. O. S. II. Passenger Traffic Manager.

W. 11. TATLOH. General Agent." Washington. U.

1. H. WOOD. Dlwtrl-f nuer Agent, Try The Citizen quick results. Want coluira (or OTHER RESORTS.

DUIA An Ideal place for those In search of miles. Houses new and modern, with perfect service. Kxtenslve grounds, with finest Sulphur, Magnesia, Iron and Arsenic Springs. Convenient -to postofflce, churches, telephones, etc, Special attention given to those clay, week or month. Address "DULA SPRINGS" The Company's Hotels In the Beautiful Sapphire Country.

A most picturesque lake and mountain resort. For reservation of accommodations and other particulars, address, The by a loan contraction of over 004, bringing the proportion of re serve to liability to over 60 per cent At the same time the Hank of France bowed a further rise In Its gold holdings of over $7,500,000, with a re duction of over $23,000,000 In Its bills dlKounted. It was not surprising therefore that a violent advance In the sterling rate at Paris should re flect the turn In the current of the stream of capital away from the French capital again. The stering rite eased here, although an additional consignment of $2,697,000 to Japanese gold arriving at San Fran cisco was made available to New York bank reserve by telegraph. There Is something like redundancy of capital in the great financial centres, with Inactivity In speculation or even In trade, which seems to be world-wide.

Even now. the halting auvanoes in lr'ces throws the market into stagna- nation. The shrinkage of. consumption ot Iron Is so generally accepted as, highly significant of. business In general Discussion waa bound to have1 some effect On speculative sentiment.

Three New York Central railroad statements show a fulling off 1342,500, is an unpleasant fast. The coalers are espelally pointed to as ben eficiaries from reduction in working expenses. The grain crop estimates some of the unofficial authorities Uroused some apprehensions that the governmeent report due tomorrow afternoon might not prove as favorable as has been hoped. The influence of the crop prospects on speculative mar-Vets gains In force as the crops ma ture. The question of labor was kept In evidence by the mainte nance of the vesselmen's strike on the lakes, the strike ordered of marine firemen In the coastwise trade and the course of events in Colorado.

Then? waa some Investment absorption of well secured bonds, but weakness amongst speculative Issues made tne trice movement irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,080,000. United States 2s declined 1-4 per cent on STOCKS. Atchison. 70 93 118 38V4 170 114 70 93 118 70 93M.

90 US Do. pfd Baltimore Canadian Pacific Central of N. Chicago Do. pfd, Chic. Great West.

Chicago N. Chic. Mil. St. Paul.

Do. pfd Chic. Ter. Do. C.

c. St. Louis! Colorado Do. 1st pfd Do. 2nd pfd Dela.

159 36 38 80 13 169 141 13 170 141 170Vf 6 14 68 14 48 '4 18 ir.3 258 19 24 68 34 63 15 15 19 ..154 ..269 6 9 2414 58i4 35 63 80 19 154 269 68 23 57 35 63 80 Lack. West Denver r. Erie Do- 1st Do. 2nd Hocking Do. pfd Illinois Iowa Do- prd City "O- JJanhattan St.

St. P. 8. Pfd JJo- JLKaB- Do. nM 80 129VI 1 32 19 16 16 37 108 144 111 43 62 90 16 37V4 108 H4V4 110 43 61 80V4 16 37 108 144 78 110 43 61 116 90W 15 34 35 115 54 56 24 114 56 46 81 63 43 11 28 46 J- R.

of Mei! pfd" T- Central r. "wfolk Wet J0- Pfd-. nUrl Wes't 113 24 114 48 81 114V4 64 14 114 46H 81H 63 34 2. B- Do. htM T.

2nd nfd 434 8- D. pf 29 46 46 bgkqpk 20 20 83 20tt 13 11 23 3 64 83 20 23 KH 84 2 16 $4 1 23 3" 2 $4 $4 Toxaway Brevard, N. 'or the The Mountains of North Carolim Fruitful In romantic legends and now r-nowned for its vacation hostler- les, notably those of THE TOXAWAY Southern R.R. Season Excursion Tickets to St Louis. Beginning April 25th, 1904, and continuing during the period of the exposition, with 'final date to leave St.

Louis, returning December 15th, 1904, rate, t.13.25 from Asheville. Sixty Day Excursion Tickets to 8t Louis. Beginning April 26th, 1904, and con tinuing dulng the period of the exposition, with final date to leuve 81. Louis returning sixty (60) days In ad dition to date of sale, the final date In no case to exceed December 15th, 1904. rate from Asheville 126.90.

Fifteen Day Excursion Tickets to St. Louis. llglnnlng April 25th, 1904, and continuing during the period of the exposition, with final limit to leave St. Ixinls returning fifteen (15) days in addition to date of sale. Rate from Asheville $22.25.

National Association of Stationary Engineers, Richmond, August lsl to 6th, 1904. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Dates of sale July 20-31 and August 1st with final limit August 8th, 1904. Bute from Asheville $12.25. Monteagle Bible School, Monteaglc, July 4lh-Aiigust 4th.

On- first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets to be sold June 2nd and July 30th, also July 19th to 22nd in clusive, with final limit August 81st, 1904. Rate from Asheville $10.30. Summer School, Knox vllle, June 28th, to August 5th, 1901. On? first class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip.

Tickets to be sold June 26- 17-28, July 5-6-11-12-18 and 25th, 1904 with a final limit of fifteen days in ad dition to date of sale. Rate from Ashe ville $4.25. Tickets on snle for these occasions April 22nd to 30th, 1904, with final limit June 30th, 1904. Rate from Asheville $64.15. Grand Lodge B.

P. O. Elks, Cin cinnati, Ohio, July 16-23, 1904. Tickets on sale July 16 and 17. Final limit July 1904.

For further Information relative to rates, schedules, apply to your nearest Ticket Agent or address J. H. Wood. D. P.

Asheville. N. C. CNGLISM EfiflYROYAL PILLS AFE. AlrarltM.

I.sdlWk. ask UraCliof lkr CHiCUfc-hTEK. KNGLdS! la KED m4 timid MttBllN boioa. ml) it bincrlbbOB. Tke tfcer.

Hffec ParM lUtaUM a4 I All. tlma. Baj of jomr UrnnfM. nr rm4 4. If raif irttlara, Tcatl-Hami.

a Relief fWr Uitm. by fJP Mall. ftoMbV-Drutiiiiv fti4B iMi lykiMr MsmUmih f-Mai-a. I Have you planned your summer outing. FOR RENT.

Desirable tenting ground with or without meals. One-half mile from end of Woolsey line, a few steps from Mr. Howland's line. Meals served from orders In tents or dining room nnar. Phone 533.

DOES THIS SUIT YOU? Mr. C. A. Raysor, the enterprising druggist of 31 Patton avenue. Is having such a large run on "HINDIPO." the new Kidney Cure and Nerve Tonic, and hears It so highly praised that he now offers to guarantee It In every case to cure all forms of Kidney Troubles and Nervous Disorders.

He pays for It If It does not give you entire satisfaction. If you use It. It Is at their risk, not yours. A (Oc box sent by mail under positive guarantee The Franklin, Brevard, G. P.

Morton, Managor. The Toxaway Inn, Lake Toxaway, G. A. Mgr. The Fairfield Inn, Lake Fairfield, M.

J. Stamp, Mgr. Sapphire Inn, Sapphire, N. Mr. Phillips, Mgr.

The Lodge, Mount Toxaway, Mrs. Price, Mgr -a "EAGLES NESr WAYNES VILLB, N. C. The most unique as It Is the most popular resort In the mountains. Pure air and water, good food, well prepared fling description.

Higher than Asheville overlooking Waynesville. No consumptives taken. Just the spot for a pleas 6.87 "02: 7.10 7.12 ant summer outing. BLUE RIOGE INN Hendersonvllle, North Carolina Thoroughly comfortable, ne anc modern hotel; accommodates 151 guests. For rates apply to Mrs.

P. Love, proprietress. JUST OPENED HOTEL MORGAN, Morganton, N. All modern conveniences. Excellent table.

Reasonable rates. Suitable for both tourist and commercial trade. Centrally located. Special attention given traveling men. Bus meets all trains.

FOR HEALTH OR PLEASURES. "BEAUTIFUL." Haywood Whi't Su'phur Springs Hotel Waynesvtlle, N. C. In the "heart of the mountains." In the celebrated "Land ot the Sky." At an altitude of 2.850 feet. Opens June 8th, under the supervision of new owner and proprietor.

Mr. BenJ. J. Sloan. Superior accommodations for 250 guests.

Speclal rates for the sea- son, month or week, without or with private baths. Write for 1904 boeklet. Addreoa Mrs. E. Jay Ring, Way- nesvllle, N.

Ribs-July 7.00 7.20 DRY GOODS LINGER. The dry goods market Is In a lin gering att'tude nuvers ope ruling a haiu: mouth manner. Developments on the price queatlo-, are waited when It is Duyer toward the nriket w'U re changed snr.ewhat. Ine outook improvement, btver. Is lot bright until more definite knowledge regarding prices are obtained..

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Article information

Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 6183

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.